Personal Sovereignty: You Get to Decide What Your Life Looks Like

We hold these truths to be self-evident (obvious), that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable (cannot be taken away) Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” - Excerpt from the Declaration of Independence

When I was homeschooling my children, I asked each of them to write the declaration of independence in their own words in order to truly understand the meaning of the document. It was a powerful exercise for each of them to write their own version of this powerful document.

This particular holiday holds special significance for me as this was my mother’s birthday and if anyone demonstrated the idea of personal independence and sovereignty, it was my mother.

I am happy to say, I inherited her fiery way she lived life- on her terms.

The fundamental desire of the right of individuals not only to choose how to live life, but also to choose how to pursue them is the definition of sovereignty. Being the agent of your life and having autonomy, being able to make your own decisions, choosing who you are in a relationship with and how much space to give them in your life is precious.

It was worth going to war over in 1776. And it’s worth pursuing in our lives as well.

While we probably never stop to ponder the idea of personal sovereignty, I want to linger a bit on this July 4th to consider just that.

It is inherent in our DNA to pursue the path of personal freedom. There lies within us a muscle we were not taught to strengthen but quietly lives at the very center of us… a sacred and holy spot that beckons us to honor our innate wisdom and which leads us all in the pursuit of “life, liberty and happiness”.

This divine core can often be lost under the business of our lives, to be swallowed by fears and worries- and the peace that is ours.

An island within us waiting for us to remember ways for us to land here in our heart center, that houses the wisdom of our body.

Waiting for us to remember.

The truth is there is a great wisdom within us. There is something spinning us toward this center. Something deep within us to find this center. To find ground on this island that lives quietly there.

We are “spun dizzy” with the business of hustle culture that steers us further from this place.

And we are so very tired.

It is time to remember.

I invite you to explore the possibility that somewhere in you is a piece of earth , a piece of land that can hold and love all of you. It is sustained by breath and nurtured by a heart that is compassionate and kind.

I invite you to settle like a stone into your body and consider creating space to learn to connect to this place within you. To make it your sole purpose to live your soul's purpose.

By connecting to the core of our essence, we find peace. We find joy. We find wellness and wholeness.

-Jada Butler


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