The Gut Reset:

Resetting and Improving Your Mental Health With Food

If you’re spending most of your days bloated, uncomfortable, irritable, craving sweets, finding it hard to concentrate, and maybe you’re a bit anxious… I have some news for you…

It might be a sign of an imbalanced gut. And poor gut health is not something you should ignore.

Not only can it reek havoc on your digestion, but it also plays a huge role in brain function and your mental health.

So if you’re looking for a sign to start taking your gut health seriously, consider this your sign.

Within the pages of this ebook, you will find:

  • A scientific break-down of the gut

  • Education on the connection between gut and mental health

  • Signs of an imbalanced gut

  • Lifestyle gut-health hacks

  • Foods to limit/avoid from your diet

  • Foods and supplements to add to your diet

  • 30+ gut-friendly recipes

  • 7 pages of printable food logs

  • Specific supplementation recommendations

It's time to start connecting the dots between your digestive system and your mental health.

It’s time to take care of your health.

“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.”

Mahatma Gandhi

The making of…

After decades of practice, education, and constant learning, I have developed Soul via Sole, and by extension, I’ve created these resources to help you reconnect to yourself and build the life of your dreams.

Yes, I am medically trained.

Yes, I am a mental health professional.

Yes, I am a personal trainer and coach.

But, I know my greatest gift is my ability to reconnect people to themselves.

My work is dedicated to helping you build the life of your dreams through physical, mental, emotional and energetic healing.

I am ready to help you start believing you are worthy, awaken your purpose and passions, and start living the life you have always desired.

- Jada Butler

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