What will be your emotional legacy?

Have you ever considered that the unhealed wounds and unresolved traumas of your past might be affecting not only your life but also the lives of your children and future generations?

Midlife is often a time of reflection and awakening, and a perfect moment to take inventory of our lives and make meaningful changes. Today, I want to talk about understanding and breaking the cycle of inherited trauma to ensure that we leave a legacy of mental wellness, joy, and fulfillment.

In this episode of "Soul Via Soul" with Jada Butler, we will explore the importance of mental health, the power of healing, and the incredible impact we can have on future generations by addressing our own wounds.

I’ll also share my personal experiences and insights on how I learned how to recognize and heal these deep-seated wounds and create a legacy of health, happiness, and love for both myself and those who come after me.

Will you join me on this awakening journey?


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Breaking Free from The Veil Of Perfection


The Power Of Subtraction