The Blog
A Meat-Free Thanksgiving: Five Mouthwatering Alternatives to Turkey
Thanksgiving is a time-honored tradition, a day to gather with loved ones, express gratitude, and indulge in a grand feast that typically revolves around the centerpiece of a beautifully roasted turkey. However, in recent years, there has been a noticeable shift in culinary preferences as more people embrace plant-based diets, seek sustainable options, or simply desire to explore the richness of flavors that meatless alternatives can offer.
The Pitfalls of Being the ‘Good Girl’
Being labeled as a "good girl" can carry both positive and negative connotations. While being well-behaved, respectful, and responsible is generally seen as positive, there are also many pitfalls associated with conforming to societal expectations or trying to fit into a specific role.
The Power of Gratitude: How Thankfulness Can Transform Your Life
Gratitude isn't just an exchange of polite "thank you's." It's really more of a mindset, a way of life that calls for us to recognize and embrace the positive aspects of our life, regardless of their scale. By weaving gratitude into our days, we unlock a lot of physical, emotional, and psychological benefits that have the power to bring about a profound transformation.
Signs of Disconnect and Reconnecting with Your Authentic Self
In our fast-paced life, it's easy to lose touch with our inner selves. We find ourselves often caught up in the busyness of daily life, running around scratching things off our to-do lists, trying to balance household schedules, and most of the time, caught in a state of feeling like our hair is on fire.
You feel me?!
When this happens, we neglect one crucial, and important aspect of our overall health and wellness…the connection between our body, mind, and soul.
Ghouls, Ghosts, and Gut-Friendly Recipes
Who said gut-healthy recipes had to be boring?! Not me! Let’s dive into some of my favorite Halloween-themed healthy recipes!
Nurturing Your Inner Child: A Therapist’s Perspective on Inner Child Work
As a therapist, I have witnessed the transformative power of inner child work in the lives of my clients. This therapeutic approach is rooted in the belief that each of us carries within ourselves an inner child—a representation of our earliest experiences, emotions, and vulnerabilities.
The Erosion of Self-Love: How Growing Up Can Make Us Forget to Love Ourselves
The journey from childhood to adulthood is often romanticized as a path to self-discovery and personal growth. However, beneath the surface of this transformation lies a complex and often challenging process that can lead many of us to forget how to love ourselves.
While children are often naturally adept at self-love and self-acceptance, the demands and pressures of adulthood can erode these crucial qualities over time.
10 Ways You Abandon Yourself And How To Choose Yourself Instead
Self-abandonment is a destructive, and sadly common, habit that includes ignoring our own needs and emotions, and hiding parts of ourself to get approval of others.
When we abandon ourselves, we often do so because we are afraid of others will not accept us as we are.
Embracing Growth: Navigating the Uncomfortable Path to Success
I want to dive into the nitty-gritty of something we all experience but seldom talk about—yeah, you guessed it, the good ol' discomfort that tags along with growth.
Don't worry, I won't hit you with a bunch of business jargon. We're going to chat about how this uneasy feeling is actually your sidekick on the road to success.
So, grab your coffee and let's unravel the uncomfortableness that often comes with growth.
Making Time For You as a Busy, Working Mom
Making time for yourself as a busy mom when kids go back to school is crucial for maintaining your well-being and overall productivity. Here are some strategies to help you manage your time effectively:
The Healing Power of Sacred Spaces: Nurturing Trauma Recovery at Home
Dealing with trauma can be an overwhelming and challenging journey. Whether it stems from a single distressing event or years of accumulated stress, trauma can leave individuals emotionally wounded and in need of healing.
While seeking professional help from therapists and counselors is essential, creating sacred spaces within our homes can be a powerful complement to the healing process.
The Mind-Body Connection: Unveiling the Power of Mental Well-being in Disease Prevention
In the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, we often focus on physical aspects such as exercise, nutrition, and medical treatments. However, a lesser-known but equally vital element in maintaining overall well-being lies within the realm of our thoughts and emotions.
Unveiling Your True Self: The Profound Journey of Healing
The healing process is a profound journey of self-discovery—a return home to the essence of who we truly are. As we remove layers of limiting beliefs, reevaluate false narratives, and embrace our vulnerabilities, we unveil our authentic selves. Healing empowers us to live authentically and passionately, liberated from the shackles of self-doubt.
Personal Sovereignty: You Get to Decide What Your Life Looks Like
The fundamental desire of the right of individuals not only to choose how to live life, but also to choose how to pursue them is the definition of sovereignty. Being the agent of your life and having autonomy, being able to make your own decisions, choosing who you are in a relationship with and how much space to give them in your life is precious. It was worth going to war over in 1776. And it’s worth pursuing in our lives as well.
The Gut-Wrenching Truth: How Alcohol Impacts Gut Health
Whether it's a glass of wine after a long day or a round of cocktails during a weekend gathering, alcohol often plays a significant role in our social interactions. While moderate alcohol consumption may not have significant immediate consequences, it's essential to understand the potential long-term effects it can have on our bodies, particularly on our gut health.
Gut-Healthy Grocery List - Recipes To Kick Start Your Meal Prep
Taking care of our gut health is essential for overall well-being, and what better way to do that than through a week-long journey of delicious and nourishing meals? In this blog post, we'll provide you with a comprehensive grocery list packed with gut-friendly ingredients and a selection of mouthwatering recipes that will leave you feeling satisfied and energized. So let's dive in and discover the power of gut-healthy eating!
7 Types of Rest And Why They Are Important
Rest is crucial for maintaining overall well-being and maximizing productivity. It allows our bodies and minds to recover, rejuvenate, and recharge. While many people associate rest solely with sleep, there are actually several different types of rest that contribute to our overall health.
7 Things I Have Learned From Meditating Daily
I never thought I would be someone who meditated.
I never thought it would make a difference in my life, and I never knew what all the hype was about. And to be honest, I truly never thought I would eagerly get out of bed so early to do this… and look forward to it!
BUT THEN… I committed to learning how to meditate.
Uneasy Feelings No One Tells You About When You Are Healing
Healing is a transformative process that takes us on a profound inner journey of growth and self-discovery. It is often portrayed as a linear path to bliss and contentment, but the reality is that healing comes with its own set of uneasiness—emotional waves, unpredictable sleeping patterns, a need for solitude, and questioning life's purpose, among others.
Embracing Discomfort: A Path to Breaking the People-Pleasing Pattern
Sitting with discomfort opens the door to self-awareness. This step is not easy, but it's where true transformation happens.
It's about challenging the fear of rejection and conflict, and instead, learning to prioritize your own needs and values. By doing so, you invite genuine connections and authentic relationships into your life.