The space where we chat all things holistic health and wellness, every Wednesday.
Thanks for dropping in, I know you’re going to love it here.
I created this podcast to feel like a conversation with a friend over coffee, a place to feel at home, to learn a bit more about the holistic side of health and wellness, and hear from guests who share their own story of life, learning to love themselves, and so much more.
Get started with these most popular episodes:
Ep. 06
Ep. 23
Ep. 27
Ep. 26
Moving Forward: Creating a New Reality
Understanding and Unpacking the Weight of Shame And Guilt
Healing from Within: The Importance of Mind, Body, and Soul
Unbecoming Everything You Became In Order To Survive
Latest Podcast Episodes:
I saw the vision for Soul via Sole over a decade ago.
Over the years, I have combined my medical training, my mental health training, my energy healing work, and my own experiences to form this innovative wellness company.
I now view myself as a healer; or as I refer to myself, a life architect.
My work is dedicated to helping you build the life of your dreams through physical, mental, emotional and energetic healing.
I am ready to help you start believing you are worthy, awaken your purpose and passions, and start living the life you have always desired.
Hi, I’m Jada,
“Jada, your podcasts are so good! The variety of topics are informative and thought provoking. Guests share with honesty and rawness, and you Jada, bring comfort and calmness along with professional guidance - and some fun conversation. Thank you!”
— Sheila, Podcast Subscriber
Be My Guest!
Interested in joining me on the podcast? Take a moment to fill out this guest form and I will get back to you soon.