balance your emotional, physical, mental and spiritual health all in one

Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing, a type of alternative medicine. Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which a "universal energy" is said to be transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional or physical healing. This can be done in person or in a distant healing. As a healer, Jada can listen to your body and then bring healing energy and restore balance and help you understand some of your unspoken desires and areas to work on in your life.

 Since Reiki works through the flow of energy and intention, it can virtually help any acute or chronic condition. Reiki is not meant to be substituted for necessary medical treatments. Reiki also aids in healing by helping people become energetically balanced physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Sessions are typically 60-75 minutes in length and are priced at $125 per session.