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Breaking Free from The Veil Of Perfection
In this heartfelt episode of 'Soul Via Soul', I explore my journey through midlife awakening and the vital process of inner child healing.
Broadcasting from a serene outdoor garden, I share my personal struggle with perfectionism, revealing it as a trauma response rooted in unhealed childhood wounds. I also discuss the importance of authenticity, vulnerability, and the empowering effects of shedding the facade of perfectionism.
This episode is a call to embrace our flaws, reclaim our power, and live an authentic, joyful life. Tune in for my practical insights and heartfelt support on your healing journey.
01:01 Overcoming the Struggle with Perfectionism
02:19 The Trauma Response of Perfectionism
04:07 Embracing Vulnerability
05:08 Living Authentically
05:45 The Journey of Healing
Will you join me on this unbecoming journey?
Register For the Unbecoming Program: https://www.soulviasole.com/unbecoming
Check Out My Website: https://www.soulviasole.com/
Subscribe To The Podcast: https://www.soulviasole.com/podcast
What will be your emotional legacy?
Have you ever considered that the unhealed wounds and unresolved traumas of your past might be affecting not only your life but also the lives of your children and future generations?
Midlife is often a time of reflection and awakening, and a perfect moment to take inventory of our lives and make meaningful changes. Today, I want to talk about understanding and breaking the cycle of inherited trauma to ensure that we leave a legacy of mental wellness, joy, and fulfillment.
In this episode of "Soul Via Soul" with Jada Butler, we will explore the importance of mental health, the power of healing, and the incredible impact we can have on future generations by addressing our own wounds.
I’ll also share my personal experiences and insights on how I learned how to recognize and heal these deep-seated wounds and create a legacy of health, happiness, and love for both myself and those who come after me.
Will you join me on this awakening journey?
Register For the Unbecoming Program: https://www.soulviasole.com/unbecoming
Check Out My Website: https://www.soulviasole.com/
Subscribe To The Podcast: https://www.soulviasole.com/podcast
The Power Of Subtraction
We often think of success as accumulating more—more possessions, more achievements, more everything. But what if I told you that sometimes, having less can actually give you more?
In this episode of "Soul Via Soul" with Jada Butler, I dive into the power of subtraction and share insights on how letting go of physical belongings has created more room for meaningful experiences and deeper connections. I also share how this minimalist approach has not only expanded our horizons but also improved our overall wellness.
Will you join me on this unbecoming journey?
Register For the Unbecoming Program: https://www.soulviasole.com/unbecoming
Check Out My Website: https://www.soulviasole.com/
Subscribe To The Podcast: https://www.soulviasole.com/podcast
Embracing Life as a Digital Nomad
Six weeks ago, my husband and I sold everything to embrace the digital nomad lifestyle, sparking curiosity and questions from friends and family. Many wondered if we were having a midlife crisis, but our decision came from a deeper place—a feeling that something was missing despite having all the trappings of success.
If you've ever felt unfulfilled despite having everything you thought you wanted, or if you're curious about what it takes to live a life of wonderment and joy, this podcast is for you.
In this episode of "Soul Via Soul" with Jada Butler, I dive into the adventures and challenges of life as a digital nomad and explore the idea of midlife (and even quarter-life) awakenings, those moments when we lift our heads and realize there's more to life than we once thought. I also share personal stories of letting go of comforts, facing fears, and discovering the joys of a minimalist, adventure-filled life.
Let's journey together, peel back the layers of our lives, and seek the adventures that make us feel truly alive. Will you join me on this unbecoming journey?
Register For the Unbecoming Program: https://www.soulviasole.com/unbecoming
Check Out My Website: https://www.soulviasole.com/
Subscribe To The Podcast: https://www.soulviasole.com/podcast
What Is A Midlife Awakening?
Ever heard the phrase "midlife crisis"? Let's reframe that—it's not a crisis, it's a midlife awakening. Staying asleep to our true potential is what turns it into a crisis.
Midlife, loosely defined as the period between enough life experience and not quite dead yet, is often a time of profound re-evaluation. We start questioning the status quo, realizing that we no longer feel aligned with our lives, lacking joy, passion, and purpose. This is where the awakening begins.
In this episode of "Soul Via Soul" with Jada Butler, we will redefine the midlife crisis, awaken our true selves, heal old wounds, and create the lives we know we deserve.
Will you join me on this unbecoming journey?
Register For the Unbecoming Program: https://www.soulviasole.com/unbecoming
Check Out My Website: https://www.soulviasole.com/
Subscribe To The Podcast: https://www.soulviasole.com/podcast
Navigating Motherhood and Midlife
Throughout our midlife journey, we may find ourselves confronted with one profound question: Who are we beyond the scope of parenthood?
As our children grow older and become more independent, our roles as parents may shift, causing this transition to be both liberating and perplexing as we navigate newfound freedom while grappling with a sense of loss or uncertainty.
In this episode of "Soul Via Soul" with Jada Butler, we dive deeper into the journey of self-discovery and the process behind reclaiming individual identity beyond being a mom.
Will you join me on this unbecoming journey?
Register For the Unbecoming Program: https://www.soulviasole.com/unbecoming
Check Out My Website: https://www.soulviasole.com/
Subscribe To The Podcast: https://www.soulviasole.com/podcast
The Cost of Not Healing
What do you want out of life and how are you going to show up for yourself?
It's time to un-become all the things that you had to become to survive and step into your best, most vibrant version, so you can thrive.
Welcome to "Soul Via Soul" with Jada Butler, a podcast where we journey together through midlife awakening with gentle guidance and holistic healing.
In this episode, we uncover the hidden costs of neglecting our healing journey and the impact it can have on our mental and physical health, relationships, and our ability to contribute positively to the world.
Let's reflect on the myriad costs of neglecting to pause, delve into life's deeper questions, and prioritize our self-discovery and growth journey.
Will you join me on this unbecoming journey?
Register For the Unbecoming Program: https://www.soulviasole.com/unbecoming
Check Out My Website: https://www.soulviasole.com/
Subscribe To The Podcast: https://www.soulviasole.com/podcast
Reconnect With Your Inner Child To Build A Life You Love
Did you know that the mind and the body are connected? If we want to change something in our lives today, we have to be willing to turn inward and take a step backward to embrace our inner child.
In this episode of Soul Via Sole, I take you through the steps needed to un-become and unlearn the unhealthy patterns that cause us to live out of alignment.
We all have the power to rewrite our story and create new patterns for our lives, but we first have to reprogram our subconscious and heal our childhood trauma. Will you join me on this unbecoming journey?
Where is Your Soul Leading Your Soles
Do you ever get the feeling that you figured it all out? And then immediately, you’re asking yourself… “What the heck am I doing?”
Turns out, most of us ride these waves throughout our whole adulthood. We are constantly faced with having to look inward and relearn ourselves. And honestly it all boils down to wanting to feel fulfillment in our lives. And incase no one told you- YOU have the RIGHT to feel fulfilled.
Change is scary; I can speak on that firsthand, believe me! But change can be deeply rewarding and necessary for fulfillment. Listen in this week and let’s jump off the train of societal standards and jump into our souls. Let your soul take you on your next journey.
Listening to Your Inner Voice
I keep having to remind myself that two things can be true at once. I can be terrified of my future and be so excited for this new adventure. Both are valid and both are SO real.
I’m someone who loves breaking the social norms, but that doesn’t mean it’s been easy. I’ve learned that when I trust myself, things always work out. My inner voice has been speaking to me a lot lately and it’s time I listen to that voice.
Identifying Wounded Aspects of Ourselves
Letting go of the things that no longer align, no longer serve you, and no longer add value to your lives will help you take those steps forward and break out of the physical, and emotional , clutter holding you back.
Spring Cleaning: Releasing What No Longer Serves Us
Letting go of the things that no longer align, no longer serve you, and no longer add value to your lives will help you take those steps forward and break out of the physical, and emotional , clutter holding you back.
Decluttering Your Life and Soul: The Swedish Death Cleanse
You never realize how much stuff you have until you’re faced with getting rid of it all. Let me introduce you to… The Swedish Death Cleanse.
It’s not as scary as it sounds… well, it sorta is..
From when we move out on our own to our later adult years, we go through the stages of accumulating newer and nicer things. Now I’m learning how to part ways with those things that I grew a huge attachment to. I definitely didn’t realize that my stuff held so much of my happiness. But what I’ve learned is, none of these things come with us.
The Vacation That Changed Everything…
Every vacation seems to feel a little life-changing. But let me tell you, this one did not fall short...
We decided to take a trip somewhere we had never been. And now... we’re ready to call that place home.
I’m Not Just Going to Sit Around Waiting to Die…
So many times in my life, I have dived head first into whatever challenges lied in front of me. Deciding to leave my marriage, starting my own company, completing several Ironman races and then buying and renovating an old farmhouse that was to be our forever home.
But after years of DIY-ing and creating an adventure out of building our home, one day it was complete. And just like that, it felt like our adventure was over…
Little did I know it was just getting started. Listen and follow along as we dive into life’s next adventure.
Welcome to Season Two: Is There More To Life?
Welcome to Season Two of the Soul via Sole podcast!
As my life begins to take on a new season full of big changes and lots of leaping into the unknown… I wanted to take you along for the ride and use these episodes as a way to dive deeper into how we can more authentically deepen our connection to our mind, body, and soul.
This season, we’re prioritizing wellness, prioritizing rest, prioritizing self-love… all in ways we have never done. What do you say… ready to come along for the ride?!
Navigating Life Transitions: What’s Next?!
The umbrella of ‘holistic wellness’ covers a vast array of topics. And if you’ve been in my world for awhile now, you’ve seen that I have really dove into each of them - because it’s all connected.
But I have a confession to make…
The Way You View and Value Yourself Is Getting in the Way…
We all know the things we should be doing in order to ‘be’ healthier…right? Eat better, move our bodies, take some time to rest, etc. But what I’ve found in my years as a medical and mental health professional, is the common underlying cause of ‘why’ we struggle and the one thing that continues to stand in the way… our worth.
How Loving Ourselves Attracts Healthy Relationships
Loving ourselves is the cornerstone for cultivating and attracting healthy love in our lives.
I, personally, took the the long-way around to get to this point in my life. And while I’m grateful for the lessons learned, so much of what I teach today is stuff I wish I could go back and tell my younger self to save her from years of having to undo layers of self-doubt, limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging behaviors and feelings of unworthiness.
Join me this Valentine’s Day as we chat about the importance of self-love in cultivating healthy relationships.
The Connection Between Self-Love and Wellness
We don’t often talk about self-love and wellness in the same breath. Why is that?
Why do we often focus more on the exterior signs of ‘healthy’ and ‘well’ while overlooking the check-engine lights going off inside our bodies?
Self love is, in my opinion, the root of establishing true health and wellness.